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All sales prices of the products displayed and indicated on the website, are excluding VAT and are linked to a variable dollar price. A contribution will be charged to the customer for shipping and collection costs, variable in relation to the weight, size and destination of the order and the chosen payment method. Considering the rapid change in the prices of IT articles and given that usually the variations tend to fall, the price list of articles online and the paper, downloaded from the site, is indicative as it may change at any time without notice (eg .: fluctuations in the dollar, adverse socio-political situations and natural disasters in exporting countries, etc.).
Il sistema informatico della TECHMADE indica, nel proprio catalogo elettronico, la disponibilità indicativa del prodotto presso i propri centri di approvvigionamento, l`eventuale condizione di indisponibilità o la previsione. Tali disponibilità sono soggette a modifiche dipendenti dagli ordini clienti. Sarà cura della TECHMADE comunicare eventuali ritardi dovuti a problemi di giacenza non colmabili in tempi ragionevoli con nuovi approvvigionamenti presso i fornitori. Gli articoli possono subire delle modifiche tecniche e/o estetiche per causa di forza maggiore o di esigenze di produzione; pertanto TECHMADE garantisce la consegna, a parità di codice, di prodotti con caratteristiche tecniche uguali o migliori a quelle descritte nel nostro catalogo
The purchase of what is requested will be completed through the following steps: By completing the order on the website, the customer transmits to TECHMADE a proposal to purchase the selected product or products. The sending of the purchase order implies the consent (pursuant to art. 10 DL 185/1999) to receive subsequent communications.
Confirms with an e-mail the receipt of the order sent by the customer, with the assignment of a "Customer Order Number" which must be used in any further communication. TECHMADE will verify the actual availability of the goods in stock and will communicate availability variations by telephone or e-mail. If the order has been accepted, for the conclusion of the contract the customer will have to make the payment of the order through the methods chosen at the order stage.
Usually the payment methods are established by mutual agreement between the parties at the time of the sale. The most used systems are the classic cash, cash and bank receipts. PAYMENT BENCHES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. In general, the quantity min. can be ordered € 100.00 on delivery.
Orders bearing a quantity other than the specified one will not be taken into consideration.
 Other Info
For any other needs, contact our staff at In case of non-payment, in whole or in part, upon expiration, Techmade S.r.l. may, without the need for a prior judicial order, take back possession of the products still lying at the customer and / or not yet sold by it and the customer agrees to consent without exception. The Customer must notify Techmade S.r.l., under penalty of compensation for any damage, any seizure or seizure by a third party on products purchased from Techmade S.r.l. and not yet fully paid. The products owned by Techmade S.r.l. must be insured to cover damage to the product and any damage to third parties.
 Payments details

Bank Account Details:
Unicredit IBAN: IT 39 F 02008 39811 000101918589 BIC UNCRITM1620
CARIPARMA: IT 39 B 0623075010000056994420 BIC CRPPIT2P573
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